Sunday, February 11, 2007

Nuclear Winds Party Nights

Gero been getting hammered with strong winds for the past couple of weeks. We have been getting winds into the high 30 and low 40 knots. Full respect to the those Poso and Gorge sailors that go out in regular 40 knots and beyond but Gero just goes crazy with that much wind. The sailing is brutal and I don't find it that rewarding to be sailing in those conditions.

We have had a couple of good days at the Spot with a good ground swell and strong winds. I got in the water by 10.30am and out by 2pm to mis the full force of the sea breeze.

We had a party on Sat night. What is the difference between having a party when you are 27 to having a party when you are 37.

Kids and we had a ton of then. They lasted till just after 12 and then they all collapsed.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Rottnest Holiday Jan 07

Longreach Bay

Rottnest Island Western Australia

We just came back from a weeks holiday at Rottnest Perth. What a great place for a family holiday. We went across with another family and we both had boats to take over. Rotto is just the best place for boating. Plenty of protected bays to get away from the wind and the colour of the water is to die for.

How clear is that water.

Rotto is great you can just pull up to any beach and anchor your boat. Even better this anchorage is in front of the Quokka arms ( Pub). You can sit in the pub have a beer and look out over your boat. Just gold.

This the gang of kids that came with us.

We anchored our boats right out side our unit. Very handy.

The Basin a popular swimming beach.

We took all of our toys with us so we had plenty to keep us busy.
Our boats were pretty full on the way over but we had to make sure we had enough to do each day.





Harassing Quokkas

Sunset at Longreach Bay, I can't wait to go back.

Geraldton Windsurfing Festival 07

The 6 and 7 of January was the Geraldton Windsurfing Festival, it was a fun event more focused on every one having a good time more so then a winner .

Lots of fun was had while we waited for the wind to come in. A RED BULL girl turned up to keep the competitors well hydrated. Competitors were also judged on their socialising skills and general parting ability. The main shot was the winner of the most time spent drinking award.

This us truly crazy. Ben Severn rigged his kite got a jet ski to tie a tow line to himself and then was dragged up and down Corros. He was so high that if his kite moved away from the neutral position and powered up he would have been killed. Or badly hurt any way.

This is the view of corros unfortunately the swell didn't get over 1m for the whole comp, but that is always the way with comps, either no wind or no swell.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Spot X Geraldton


Today the wind was in early around 11.00am and we had a good swell firing on all the Geraldton Coast.

I got a call from a friend and the call was made to go to Spot X. Spot X is the worst secret spot in Geraldton and is under threat of being destroyed by a port to ship iron ore from. Go figure 1000km of empty coast line and they have to go and build a port here. Why something so special has to be destroyed for a port is beyond me.

We arrived early and the wind was strong but not fully filled in. The waves were around head height and a bit disorganised.

The day got better the longer it went on. By the end it was nuken.

I rigged my 4.7 and my 69L Goya. A classic combo just a wave shredding machine.

Their was only 1 car and 2 other people on the water when we got their.

The after workers started to role in after 5pm. It was still good and wind was not going to drop out.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Sunset Beach


Sunset Beach was the go yesterday afternoon. It was a very weird day, the morning started with rain and massive black clouds rolling in. The day looked more like winter then January.

The wind came in late afternoon, but the gusts were violent. I went out with my 4.7 and 81L board but I was soon wishing I had my smaller board on.

Waves were around head height but had a heap of chop on the faces. It was good to have waves again and it looks like the swell will hang arond for a few days.

Cyclone Isobel crossed the coast yesterday up north and was threatening to meet up with a cold front heading up from down south. It was going to turn into the STORM OF A GENERATION.

The forecast is looking good for the Mambo comp at Corros on the weekend, we have a great forecast of wind and 2.5m swell just classic Corros.

Can't wait.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Coronation Beach

I have spent the last few days sailing Corros.
The wind has been a bit on and off. It has been 5.3 for me each day, so rig choice has been easy.

It has been super crowed on the water with reports of 150 people on the water. Corros is a huge bay so it can just soak up the people.

The waves have been very small so their was a lot of freestyle going on. Lots of sliding backwards and sail flips.

We have the Gero blast this week end , and it is going to be a Mambo format. The contest will be more about having fun and participating more then winning.

We had a family day at Corros on Sunday. That involves us taking up our camper so the kids have some where to get out of the sun. We scored our selves a great camp sight so we stayed for the night.