Friday, December 29, 2006

I sailed Corros today, again the wind was a bit more onshore then usual. The wind was 5.3 and I used my 81 litre board. The only problem when the wind gets that light is, even though you are planing you just cant jump you usually just fall out of the sky. The swell was flat. Their were over 100 people on the water and a heaps more on the beach.

Their is a real good vibe around between the X mass new year break and the beach is alive with people.

I was sailing along just cruising when a girl came out and got a jump off a tiny swell, she let out a squeel of delight when she landed. It lifted my heart to see the thrill of sailing is still their, some times you just have to look for it.

I always loved the view of this old board peeping over this fence. It has been their for years and must be just for decoration. I love to think of when this was new, it would have been a wave shredding machine, state of the art. Now it sits about 200m from the water never to be used again.


I sailed Point Moore, wind was light and a touch onshore, and very flat. The water was so warm their was no need for wet suits so it was very nice.

The effects of a big trough are still hanging around so the breezes are not quite back to normal yet.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

New Start

Nearing the last day of the year. It is always bittersweet this time of year. Sad to see another year of your life slip away but the excitement of the prospects that the new year may bring.